
The following is a list of all the posts on this website based on their categories (and some tags) for your browsing pleasure 🙂 Click on the Category below to see all the related posts, or scroll down to browse.


Certification & Instructor Training

Lesson Planning




Seasonal Activities



Teaching Tips


Drill Team

Horse Management



Links to interesting articles


This index was created using shortcode as explained here by billerickson.

12 thoughts on “Index

  1. This website is wonderful! I have just stepped out on my on as an instructor and this is a great help. I have found myself with alot more autistic students, it’s all been a wonderful blessing. I can’t wait to see where God leads us! I do have a question, I have a 3.5 year old student, that tends to have bursts of energy and his eyes wander, any suggestions on ideas for an hour lesson? I’ve incoroprated games, but I don’t want it to get boring. Thank you and God bless!

    • Thanks for the compliments, I’m glad the blog is helpful 🙂 An hour long lesson can be long for those little guys, they get bored fast. I would use short games alternated with trotting. You can also spend time at the beginning grooming the horse, and help lead the horse out to the lesson, and help lead the horse back to the stall when they’re done, even if it’s just a little ways or you are carrying them while they hold the lead rope. If you have access to going on a trail ride those are wonderful as well. If he is in other therapies you could inquire with his primary therapist what goals they are working on and activities they are using, to keep things similar and give you new ideas. I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any good breakthrough ideas as I’d love to post about them!

  2. Hi Cindy,
    I’ve been subscribed to your blog for more than a year now, as my long term goal is to set up a small therapeutic riding program in rural New South Wales, Australia. I have now just found the time to methodically go through your blog and print out sections for future reference. Its is truly a great resource.

    • Hi Heidi, thanks for your comment! I’m so glad you find the blog helpful. It’s fun to hear that people read it from the other side of the planet! I wish you the best of luck starting up your program! Cindy

  3. Cindy, I really don’t no how to thank you. I appreciate your hard work and your time to give us this wonderful resource. I am a psychologist who interested in becoming a therapeutic riding instructor in Saudi Arabia. I found your blog very helpful and I am glad that we have you! God bless you.

    • Thank you so much for your comment, that means a lot to me! It is so neat to hear from people in other countries. I wish you all the best in Saudi Arabia.

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