This is a lovely handout for teaching the Whats, Hows, and Whys that my friend and coworker Annie Cornett made and let me post! There’s a link at the end to download the Word Doc. Enjoy!
PATH Intl’s What, Why and How Method
What: What do you want the client to do specifically? What exercise? What task?
“Our first exercise is hands on your helmet for 10 seconds”
Why: Why is it important? What will they gain? What is the benefit?
*Make sure your explanation is chronologically and developmentally appropriate
“So that we can stretch up tall and work on our balance in the saddle”
How: How will the client complete the requested task or exercise?
“Place your reins on your horses neck–Place both hands on top of your helmet—sit up straight—count to 10”
Complete the What, How, and Why for the following:
Activity: Trunk Twist Warm UP
What: ____________________________________________________________________
How: _____________________________________________________________________
Activity: Sitting the Trot
What: ____________________________________________________________________
How: _____________________________________________________________________
Activity: Halting the Horse
What: ____________________________________________________________________
How: _____________________________________________________________________
Activity: Transitioning Downward from Posting Trot to Walk
What: ____________________________________________________________________
How: _____________________________________________________________________
Activity: Winged Victory Warm Up
What: ____________________________________________________________________
How: _____________________________________________________________________
Activity: Turning Horse to the Right
What: ____________________________________________________________________
How: _____________________________________________________________________
Activity: Two Point Position Warm Up
What: ____________________________________________________________________
How: _____________________________________________________________________
Click here to download the Word Doc “What, Why, How training”
Note: This is not professional advice, this is a blog. I am not liable for what you do with or how you use this information. The activities explained in this blog may not be fit for every rider, riding instructor, or riding center depending on their current condition and resources. Use your best personal judgment!