Filed under Skills

Feel The Horse’s Footsteps

Learning to feel the horse’s footsteps is a good exercise for all types of riders. I still teach some lessons to able bodied riders and we had fun working on this one yesterday, so I want to share it here. Below is a detailed explanation with some example lesson plans linked at the end – … Continue reading

Quiet Hands

I had a rider a while back who had trouble keeping her hands still (really, who doesn’t when you start out), so here is a bunch of info I looked up about it! It’s not really a riding skill or aid, but it’s definitely a foundational concept, so I did it in What, Why, How … Continue reading

Mounting: Left vs. Right

While we’re on the topic of mounting (see previous post) here’s a few more thoughts! Why we mount from the left It comes from riding horses in the military. Xonophon (350 BC) explains how to mount from the left while holding your spear. Later, cavalry officers wore the sword on the left so they could draw … Continue reading

Mounting: Comfort vs. Independence

I just read a good article called Ease Mounting Pressures on Your Horse by Karen Smith in the magazine Dressage Today, that makes me think about the ongoing tension between mounting and working toward independence withing therapeutic riding. The article highlights a few issues with mounting, in particular from the ground: Stirrup pressure pulls the saddle toward the … Continue reading

How to Pick Up the Reins

This week I’m auditing a clinic with my friend who is in the Ecole de Légèreté Teacher’s Course and yesterday an interesting topic came up – how to pick up your reins. It’s something I was never specifically taught how to do, other than “softly, without bothering your horse,” and that every professional at the clinic … Continue reading

Change of Rein

I received a great question in the email about change of rein, so I decided to make a post about it. When I first saw the term in the PATH Intl Certification Riding Test, I was confused. I had never heard of it before. And unless you ride horses classically, it’s not intuitive to figure out … Continue reading

Fun Video Friday: Rein Connection at the Trot

I really like Randi Thompson’s YouTube Videos of her teaching, because she gives such a good example of explaining things and working to what the rider needs! Today’s video is about rein connection, trotting, changing directions, and spirals. Going back to the basics at the trot If you can’t see it, click here: Enjoy! **************** … Continue reading

Two Point Lesson Plan

These notes are from the Advanced Workshop I attended at Heartland Therapeutic Riding last summer. This another one is from Sandy Webster of Gaits of Change, our workshop instructor. I think this was one we discussed in the classroom because I don’t have all the parts of the lesson. Two Point: Lesson Plan for a Group with … Continue reading