A Few Links – “Joey” Raffle Winners, leg to hand, sitting trot, a good seat, on the bit

Here are the book giveaway winners, and then some interesting links!

Raffle Winners

Thank you everyone who entered the raffle for the book, Joey: How a Blind Rescue Horse Helped Others Learn to See! (For more about the book, see the blog post here.) Tonight I randomly “drew” the 5 winners using the raffle website, and drumroll please…

  1. Stephanie Sidoti (ssi)
  2. Michelle (jmo)
  3. Sydney (sns)
  4. Jackie (wik)
  5. Kim Lynch (kim)

In parenthesis are the first three letters of your email address, so you know who you are. I just sent you winners an email, but if you don’t get it because it went to your spam, please contact me with your address so I can mail you your book! Congratulations to the winners. I hope you enjoy your books!

A Few Links

Here are a few links I’ve been wanting to share…

~ What’s the next step to teach after learning the basics? Probably riding leg to hand.

~ How do you teach sitting the trot? Here is some great insight.

~ Also from Dressage Today, a great explanation on how to Cultivate a Good Seat and correct posture.

~ While we’re talking dressage, here’s a nice article about on the bit which you might use for ideas for explaining it to your more advanced students.

~ If you’re a visual/auditory learner, then EquestrianCoach might be for you. I admit I haven’t tried it out, but it sounds like a great place to pick up the how/what/why information if you like watching videos better than reading articles!



Note: This is not professional advice, this is a blog. I am not liable for what you do with or how you use this information. The activities explained in this blog may not be fit for every rider, riding instructor, or riding center depending on their current condition and resources. Use your best personal judgement! If you would like to contribute an activity or article, please contact me here, I would love to hear from you!

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