A Few Links – Falling Off, Teaching Tips, Saddle Pads, On the Bit, Safety


A few links I’ve been wanting to share lately!

~ Check out these fun alternate ways to say you fell off (and even more ideas here)! If your rider ever gets a dirt facial or horse assisted dismount, phrasing it in a fun way might help take the sting out.

~ Some good teaching tips for what might be missing from your riding instruction.

~ Did you know this much about selecting saddle pads?

~ A great article about on the bit and how to get there – simple enough to take your students through, with lots of hows and whys.

~ Check out this cool video of a horse skeleton in motion from the top view!

~ How is your cheering section at the barn? Rad? Bad? Read Why You Need a Barn with a Really Rad Cheering Section (I originally thought it said Bad). It made me think about how in TR sometimes we need to be bad cheerers – quiet, not distracting, not causing sensory issues. Then other times we need to be rad cheerers – everyone needs encouragement and praise when they accomplish something!

~ Lastly, a nice detailed article on keeping lessons safe by CHA.



Note: This is not professional advice, this is a blog. I am not liable for what you do with or how you use this information. The activities explained in this blog may not be fit for every rider, riding instructor, or riding center depending on their current condition and resources. Use your best personal judgment!

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