Happy New Year! At the end of every year my barn does year end self & supervisor evaluations and goal reviewing and setting. I really like the format, because the self-evaluation helps me see where I need work and helps me decide what new goals to set. Since it’s the New Year, I’m going to share the evaluation form and the goal setting form in case you want help goal setting or to make something similar for your staff!
(Note: For our evaluations the instructor rates themselves, and their supervisor rates them, then in their meeting they compare the scores. Also, each area of evaluation coincides with job roles as listed in our barn’s instructor job position and contract, so we are being held accountable. Lastly, we share our goals during the first staff meeting of the year.)
Instructor Evaluation
For each area rate yourself 1-5, 1 needs improvement, 3 average, 5 exceptional.
Professional Skills
- Professionalization (Includes: positive external and internal communication, initiative, prioritization, effective time management, increasing professional skills and knowledge, commitment to quality and continuous improvement, manages time, maintains confidentiality)
- Teamwork
- Maintaining professional standards & conduct (Includes: Maintaining professional standards & conduct, following assigned plans; state and PALS’ Policies; Interactions with volunteers and various PALS constituent groups, and maintains positive attitude)
- Quality and Improvement (Includes: Enhances Work Environment, Customer Driven)
- Accountability (Includes: Performs with integrity, accepts & meets responsibility, oriented to action and results)
- Innovation (Includes: Solves problems, demonstrates flexibility, supports risk-taking)
Program Related Skills
- Knowledge of horsemanship
- Knowledge of disabilities
- Knowledge of therapeutic riding techniques
Job Duties – Program
- Facilitate weekly program and special programs as needed.
- Assist with coordination & development of special programs as assigned.
- Assist with daily program and arena set up and break down.
- Supervision of assigned clients while at the barn, including: greeting client(s), adjust and fitting the helmets, mounting/dismounting clients, and organizing/supervising volunteers as needed.
- Maintain timely daily session schedule.
- Maintain all required quarterly client metrics for assigned clients. Conduct initial new client assessments as needed.
- Communicate with parents/guardians/caregivers about client progress and any other needs.
- Assist in collecting payment for services.
- Assist with ensuring that all Client Paperwork in up-to-date and in order.
- Provide sessions plans for teaching evaluation as required.
- Assist with client recruitment efforts.
Job Duties – Volunteer Management
- Assist with volunteer trainings as assigned.
- Assist with volunteer supervision during shifts.
- Serve as stable manager when necessary.
- Supervise & train interns as appropriate.
Job Duties – Horse Care Self-Evaluation
- Assists with training, management, schooling, and conditioning of therapeutic riding horses as needed.
- Assist in facility maintenance and boarder horse care as assigned.
- Communicate observations of any horse on property behavior and health to appropriate PALS staff.
Job Duties – General
- Check e-mail and respond in a timely manner (within 24 hours).
- Check phone messages and return all related phone calls in a timely manner (within 24 hours). Check mail box at barn & office at the beginning and end of each shift.
- Maintain compliance with all Policies and Procedures.
- Attend staff meetings.
- Attend meetings with Head Instructor as needed.
Areas of Strength:
Areas of Improvement:
Evaluation of goals for this past year:
For the coming year, what are five “work” goals (Ex. Increase number of community volunteers):
For the coming year, what are five “Professional/Personal” goals (Ex. Improve time management skills):
Do you have suggestions on how we can improve?
Other Comments:
Annual Staff Goals & Implementation Plan
Work Goals:
Goal Example: Increase number of new riders by 20%
Goal # 1
Implementation Plan (list 3 action steps & target date)
Goal # 2
Implementation Plan (list 3 action steps & target date)
Goal # 3
Implementation Plan (list 3 action steps & target date)
Professional/Personal Goals
Ex. Improve time management skills
Goal # 1
Implementation Plan (list 3 action steps & target date)
Goal # 2
Implementation Plan (list 3 action steps & target date)
Goal # 3
Implementation Plan (list 3 action steps & target date)
Here is an example of my own work related goals for last year:
Work Goals:
Goal # 1 Improve interactions with volunteers.
Implementation Plan (list 3 action steps & target date)
1 Remember volunteer names and things about them. – ongoing
2 Say hello and goodbye to all volunteers on my shift. – ongoing
Goal # 2 Improve my mentoring of Instructors in Training.
Implementation Plan (list 3 action steps & target date)
1 Complete the IT plan before starting the class. – Jan 1-7
2 Create instructor in training binder for them. – Jan 1-7
3 Incorporate more strategies than just lecturing. – ongoing
Goal # 3 Transition well from PALS to maternity leave.
Implementation Plan (list 3 action steps & target date)
1 Prepare riders for their new instructors. – last week of winter session
2 Prepare instructors about their new riders.- last week of winter session
3 Pass off veterans program with appropriate training. – Winter/Spring session
FYI some of my new goals are two make 2 blog posts a week, and self publish a blog book (a blook!) collection of activity posts!
I hope that helps. What type of evaluation and goal setting do you do with your staff, if any?
Note: This is not professional advice, this is a blog. I am not liable for what you do with or how you use this information. The activities explained in this blog may not be fit for every rider, riding instructor, or riding center depending on their current condition and resources. Use your best personal judgment!