Christmas Games

Much thanks to  Carrie of HorsePower Therapeutic Riding for sending in these two great Christmas games with pictures!

Letters to Santa

1. Get letter from barrel


2. Inspect it. Who’s it from? The horse! A volunteer! etc. Who’s it to? Santa!


3. Deliver to mailbox! Use those fine motor skills!



Advent Game

1. Whoa at the advent calendar. Explain it’s a countdown to Christmas!


2. Find today’s date. Open the flap, and find an activity! Do it! (I love that there are horses on this Advent calendar)


3. Find Christmas’s date. Repeat! (Looks like Carrie circled the numbers to help the kids find them better)


4. Perhaps do this every week until Christmas!


Make sure your advent calendars is posted at rider height and is as big as the riders themselves 😉


Looks like Carrie used at least two different ones, so maybe spread them out around the arena, or assign each rider their own.



Note: This is not professional advice, this is a blog. I am not liable for what you do with or how you use this information. The activities explained in this blog may not be fit for every rider, riding instructor, or riding center depending on their current condition and resources. Use your best personal judgment!

2 thoughts on “Christmas Games

  1. Thank you for the games. We are playing last years games as well as the Candy Cane one as well. The students came up with “Put Santa Together”… have parts of Santa around the arena. Student picks a part from a list/box of labels etc, rides to part collects, rides back. Continue to all Santa parts are collect and “Make Santa”. Parts : head, body, 2 arms and 2 legs…. Have a joyous Christmas and a wonderful 2014! Thank you for all your wonderful lessons! 🙂

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