2012 Wrap Up

new year (source)

To celebrate the end of the year, my blog host WordPress.com sent me a report on how this blog did in 2012 (it’s first year running!). I am sharing it with you in hopes that it will encourage you as much as it did me! Assuming that the majority of people who visited this site are involved in therapeutic horseback instruction, I am delighted that so many people are discovering this site and finding it helpful, and I am encouraged to know that people from all over the world are on the same journey as I am.

WordPress.com presents Lessons in Therapeutic Riding 2012 in blogging Annual Report

Data on your blog’s activity in 2012:

  • This blog got about 7,800 views in 2012
  • This blog had 53 new posts
  • The busiest day of the year was October 3rd with 145 views (this is when I posted a link to this blog on the PATH member forums resources list)

The posts that got the most views in 2012:

How did they find you?

  • Some visitors came searching, mostly for therapeutic riding lesson plans, trail class patterns, gymkhana patterns, and therapeutic riding lesson plan ideas

The top referring sites in 2012 were:

  1. pathintl.mymemberfuse.com
  2. dashboard.bloglines.com
  3. clicker09.wordpress.com
  4. facebook.com
  5. translate.google.com

Where did they come from?


  •  That’s 53 countries in all! Most visitors came from The United States. Canada & Australia were not far behind.
  • US (5,608)
  • Canada (693)
  • Australia (617)
  • UK (79)
  • Serbia (43)
  • South Africa (26)
  • Greece (17)
  • Italy (12)
  • Less than 10: Spain, France, Germany, Romania, Ukraine, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Russia, India, Pakistan, and more

So, dear readers, thank you so much for visiting this blog and for your contributions! Your comments and emails have meant so much to me. I hope that this next year Lessons in TR will continue to grow and serve my fellow instructors!

To end, perhaps this is a good time for you to think about this last year as well! What were your best lessons and why? What can you do to improve yourself as an instructor this upcoming year?

Happy New Year!


Note: This is not professional advice, this is a blog. I am not liable for what you do with or how you use this information. The activities explained in this blog may not be fit for every rider, riding instructor, or riding center depending on their current condition and resources. Use your best personal judgement!

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