This is an example business plan outline for a veterans program. At the 2013 PATH Intl Veterans Conference, once of the seminars really highlighted the importance of having a business plan. Because the more thoroughly you think through the plan, the more likely you are to succeed. There’s so many different versions of business plans out there, I wanted to share with you the format I liked best from my business classes and that I used to think through things when helping start our veterans program. However, as well thought out as that plan was, in the end much of our success depended on the connections we made and the people we knew and having the right resources (horses, timing, etc.). So make sure you have people on your team who are good at both!
This is the longest possible version of a business plan, so you may not need everything. To know exactly what each section if about, Google it. Hope it helps!
Veterans Program Business Plan Outline
Executive Summary
Vision & Mission Statement
Veterans Riding Program Industry
- Description
- History
- Benefits
- Current & Future trends
- Barriers to Entry & Exit
- The Industry Locally
- Major Players (Competitors)
- Our Position & Location in the Industry
Business Strategy
- Desired Image & Position in the Market
- Company Goals and Objectives
- Long Term Goals
- Short Term Objectives
- Competitive Advantage Strategy
- Differentiation (what makes your service unique from competitors)
- SWOT Analysis
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Opportunities
- Threats
Program Plan
- Program Offerings
- Pilot Program
- Regular Program
- Future Programs
- Guarantees/Warrantees
- “Production Process”
- Intake/Assessment
- Curriculum
- Seasonal Trends
- Volunteer special training
- Program Policies
- Steps to retain…
- Participants
- Volunteers
- Product Comparison
- Similarities
- Uniquesses & Competitive Advantages
- Results
- Keys to success
- Things to do
Location & Layout
- Location
- Layout
- Analysis, Results
- Things To do
Target Market – participant demographics
- Characteristics – about Veterans in general
- US Demographics
- Local Demographics
- Trends of Veterans – current, future
- Services used
- Unmet needs
- Results
- Implications on veterans riding programs
- Implications on marketing
Marketing Plan/Strategy
- Target Market (at who)
- Individual Veterans &/or Groups?
- Factors (where)
- Internal Marketing
- Exchange process
- Customer satisfaction (how keep participants, volunteers, veterans, therapists/group leaders satisfied?)
- External Market
- Variables that you cannot control (Social, demographics, competitive, etc….understand how the external environment is changing and the impact of that change on the target market)
- State of the economy
- Technology
- Political and legal environment
- Competition
- Internal Marketing
- Marketing Team (by who)
- Advertising and Promotions (how)
- Flyers
- Website
- Contacts, personal connections
- Presentations
- Volunteer Fairs
- Prices & Pricing Strategy
- Profits, Gross Profit Margin (appendix)
- Price comparison
- Policies
Competitor Analysis
- First off…we’re all in this together
- Major Players/Competitors
- Map of Local Veteran Programs
- Analysis – challenges, opportunities
- Future Competition & Factors
- Results, strategies to implement to distinguish ourselves
Management Team
- Program structure
- Diagram
- Who’s in charge of what
- Veterans Program Management Team
- Veterans Program Instructor
- Additional Instructors
- Advisers
- Volunteers
- Veteran Volunteers
- Counselors & Mental Health Practitioners
- PALS Management Team
- Board, executive director, etc.
- Results – special training needed
Financial Forecast
- Startup Costs
- Program Costs
- Breakeven Point
- Projected Balance Sheet – yr 1
- Projected Income Statements – yr 1,2,3, analysis
- Projected Cash Flow Statements – yr 1,2,3, analysis – pessimistic, average, optimistic
- Price
- Budget
- Funding
- Individual Donors
- Grants
- Sponsorship
- Plan/Action Steps to obtain funding
- Pilot Program
- Marketing Activities
- Funding requests
- Ongoing programming
- Exit Strategy
- Potential causes of exit & how that exit would occur
Note: This is not professional advice, this is a blog. I am not liable for what you do with or how you use this information. The activities explained in this blog may not be fit for every rider, riding instructor, or riding center depending on their current condition and resources. Use your best personal judgment!
Thank you for this information, I am learning so much from what you have posted, especially the veterans business program plan and outline.