Valentines Activities 2.0


(source: Horsenation)

Here are some new super cute Valentines Day activities for therapeutic riding lessons from Carrie of HorsePower! Thank you so much for sharing, Carrie!

Valentines Cones


  • 10-15 cones set up in a large circle
  • Valentine boxes under each cone (she bought her at the grocery store Osco) that contain candy and a message inside each box
  • Dice


  1. Roll the dice.
  2. Choose which set of cones to exit the circle at, and whether to go right or left.
  3. Pass as many cones as the number they rolled on the dice. Count together.
  4. Halt at the correct cone. So if they rolled a 6, they will count 6 cones and halt at cone 6.
  5. Collect the Valentine box under the cone!

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Valentine Gifts

On a barrel set up some Valentines and candy. Ride to the barrel and halt. Let the riders pick a valentine to give someone in their family. Write names on back and tape on the candy together.


Valentines Treats

Include a few message heart candies with your regular horse treats!


Horsie Valentines

At my barn they combined Valentines with rider appreciation week, and made Valentines for the riders from our horses, with their picture and cute puff paint hearts, and the inside saying something cute like “You had me at hay!” For tons of cute horsey themed Valentines card ideas check out my Lessons in TR Pinterest board, I just added a bunch!

vday cards

What are you doing with your riders this year for Valentines Day?



Note: This is not professional advice, this is a blog. I am not liable for what you do with or how you use this information. The activities explained in this blog may not be fit for every rider, riding instructor, or riding center depending on their current condition and resources. Use your best personal judgment!

One thought on “Valentines Activities 2.0

  1. I cut out colored hearts and added candy heart type phrases to the front like ‘Be Mine’ or ‘Hug Me’ and then added riding skills to the back like ‘Walk Two Circles’ or ‘Sitting Trot One Lap’ and will tape them up during lesson time so the kids can choose a heart and then complete a task.

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