This post is a yearly report on the blog because I find this sort of thing interesting and encouraging. If you find it boring, move on! haha
2018 was a big year for this blog, although I’m not sure why because I did not post nearly as often! Between having a newborn and toddler and book orders to print, package and mail, I did not have as much time to blog this year. So all I can say is thank you to all the loyal and new readers who have stuck with me, and to all the people who have spread the blog by word of mouth!!!
What made it a big year? A few things…
Number of followers: 1,040
The number of blog followers passed the 1,000 mark! It’s been hovering at around 980 for a long time. I’m blown away and honored!
Number of daily views: passed 1,000 for the first time EVER!
This usually hovers under 800 (around 400-650 views per day). So that was exciting. It happened in April, and then it promptly went back down, haha.
The day with the most views EVER:
December 4, 2018, at 1,154!
The month with the most views EVER:
June of 2018, at 20,384! The blog gets around 13k-20k views a month.
All those things happened this year! That is why I call it a big year.
A few other stats…
The highest average views per month:
June of 2018, at 679. Were you guys bored?
Most popular day:
Moth popular hour:
Top posts:
(These are consistently the tops posts every year!)
- What To Teach – Riding Skills List
- Index
- Gymkhana Games and Patterns
- How to Become a Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor
- Horse Camp Ideas
Top Referrers:
- Google (70k)
- Pinterest (8.5k)
- Facebook (2.5k)
- Bing (2.5k)
- Yahoo (1k)
This is my fave! Where are readers from?
Those are just the top countries, there were so many more! I love seeing that, it makes me feel part of something bigger than myself.
Book Stats
A few other interesting things about this year…
Hard copy books sold: 263
PDF book versions sold: 107
Books were shipped to: the US, Portugal, Canada, Australia, the UK, Greece, Spain, Norway, New Zealand, South Africa, and France.
I love that therapeutic riding is happening all over the world and crosses all barriers!
Thank you for supporting the blog and me on this journey in instructing therapeutic riding. Here’s to another great year, 2019!
Note: This is not professional advice, this is a blog. I am not liable for what you do with or how you use this information. The activities explained in this blog may not be fit for every rider, riding instructor, or riding center depending on their current condition and resources. Use your best personal judgement! If you would like to contribute an activity or article, please contact me here, I would love to hear from you!