Veterans Program Resources



Belated Veterans Day! To honor our veterans, this week I am going to do a series of posts focused just on resources for Veterans therapeutic riding programs. (AKA I had too much to share in just one post). First up is all the links I think are helpful for veterans programming. Enjoy!

Update 2024: someone let me know most of the PATH links don’t work since they switched their website. Here is the link to their veterans page with many of the same resources listed on it: PATH Intl Veterans Page.

Veterans Program Resources

Starting a Veterans Program

Instructing Veterans

PATH Intl Conference Handouts

(none of these are online anymore, sorry – it’s really sad, because leaving the handouts online was such a great resource PATH had)

Veterans’ stories – some insight on where they’re coming from

Other Resources

Do you have any to add?


Note: This is not professional advice, this is a blog. I am not liable for what you do with or how you use this information. The activities explained in this blog may not be fit for every rider, riding instructor, or riding center depending on their current condition and resources. Use your best personal judgment!

2 thoughts on “Veterans Program Resources

  1. Why are all your links to PATH Int website to or for veterans programs not working. Thank you for all the awesome information you give out for therapeutic riding pro

    • Hi, thanks for letting me know they are not working. PATH Intl has completely changed their website (and therefore the links) multiple times over the past 10+ years that this blog has been around, and I haven’t had the time to update all the links in my 100’s of posts, I’m sorry! I’ll put that on the to do list!

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