Guide to Certification

Welcome! If I were to write a resource book about how to instruct therapeutic riding and pass certification, this is what I’d include in it. However, I’m not publishing one anytime soon for various reasons (mostly because the process is always being updated) so I decided to make this alternative available, because I think it would be really helpful to people going through certification. It’s like you get a book for free! But in the form of a webpage of links. So, this page is a compilation of all the BEST posts on this blog related to getting certified to instruct therapeutic horseback riding through PATH Intl.  This list of resources is not complete – there are many bullet points without links (in red text), which represent blog posts I’d like to write some day, but also information for you to research yourself. *Please know I am NOT an official representative of PATH Intl., and this is not their official word on the matter.* However, I am a PATH Intl. Certified Instructor and Mentor who has helped people through the certification process, and who likes to take notes and share information to help others through the process. I hope you find this resource helpful!

Last updated: 9/22/2020

Table of Contents

Click on the category below to see all the related posts, or scroll down to browse.


9/2020 – UPDATE: PATH Intl. is updating their entry-level certification process. They are phasing out of the “PATH Intl. Registered Therapeutic Riding Instructor Certification” and into “PATH Intl. Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor” (CTRI) status. This resource page is aimed at the old Registered TRI process, but a lot of the information is relevant to the new process as well. I am in the process of learning about the new CTRI process and gathering tips and info with which I will update these pages but the end of 2020.

Note that those who have started the old Registered Instructor process have until December 30, 2020 to complete it.

For more info about the new CTRI process, see these links:

Before You Get Started

The Certification Process

Getting Started

For When It Gets Hard

Lesson Planning

Pre-Lesson Planning

Lesson Plan Templates

Lesson Plan Components

Post Lesson

Lesson Plan Resources

Riding Concepts

Riding Position

Riding Skills

You can find a complete list of riding skills in the Skills List post (same link as listed above in The Lesson Plan). Below is a list of the primary skills you might teach in your lessons, with links to blog posts hat include the how/what/why for the skill and/or good example lesson plans. It goes in general from easier to harder, but this can vary due to the particular rider and their goals and abilities. This is not an exhaustive list, but a good start. I would highly recommend researching each skill yourself. The best sources I have found are the website for Meredith Manor and the book 101 Arena Exercises for Horse & Rider. If you prefer to listen rather than read, check out the podcast Daily Strides.

Figures & Activities

These are the most basic/important ones to have in your back pocket! Many more can be found here.



Teaching Techniques

Disabilities & Adaptations

These are only the disabilities I have blog posts for, but there are so many more! This is a big hole in the blog waiting to be filled.



Note: This is not professional advice, this is a blog. I am not liable for what you do with or how you use this information. The activities explained in this blog may not be fit for every rider, riding instructor, or riding center depending on their current condition and resources. Use your best personal judgement!