Hi friends, it’s been a while! I’m sorry to not post more but I’ve been having health issues for the past half year (turns out it’s SIBO). However, I found something like this set up at my barn today and had fun playing with my horse over it, and imagining what I’d use it for … Continue reading
Filed under Patterns …
6 Step Pattern
The last week of sessions has come and gone for us already and I forgot to make a holiday-themed activity! I think I made up for it though with a long pattern, enjoyable lessons, and that for client appreciation each rider got to give their horse a treat from a bucket after their lesson. (Some … Continue reading
Zigzag Cone Pattern Progressions for Lateral Balance
I have several riders this session that are working on lateral balance, not leaning, and initiating or helping their horse turn by using their eyes to look in that direction and eventually the reins. The other day I started using this pattern and discovered a whole lot of progressive uses for it. This time I … Continue reading
4 Part Pattern
This is a riding pattern I used a while ago when I had several riders of all different skill levels and goals. It was very adaptable to using with multiple riders, so I’d like to share it with you! Set Up 2 pairs of poles across one diagonal another cone in the lower right corner, … Continue reading
Special Olympics 2016 Trail Course & Barrel Pattern
A reader shared with me that the Indiana Special Olympics had some great trail patterns this year, so I would like to share them with you! There is English and Western Trail, and a Stake Race. The whole document can be found at Special Olympics Indiana 2016 EKS Games Equestrian Riding Patterns, which is where I got … Continue reading
Patterns 2.0 – for both horse and rider
This past weekend I went to the Midwest Horse Fair where I discovered Jec Ballou, one of the clinicians who focuses on horse fitness and classical training. Her perspective and exercises were so refreshing and very applicable to therapeutic riding, I believe. She wrote Equine Fitness and 101 Western Dressage Exercises, both of which I have and highly … Continue reading
Riding a straight line to 3 trot poles
Once my riders can trot 1 lap around the arena independently and switch directions across the diagonal, I find it’s time to come off the rail. Otherwise they get bored, they start to wander, so their horses start to wander, or their horses decide it’s a better idea to hang out with the instructor and … Continue reading
Figure X Pattern for Sitting and Posting Trot
Here is a handy exercise I’ve been doing with some of my riders lately. Figure X Pattern for Sitting and Posting Trot (That is a Figure X in an arena. ) The exercise: For half the Figure X, do sitting trot. For the other half, do posting trot. They should try to make the transitions … Continue reading
Figure 8s Gymkhana Pattern
Here is a simple pattern to use for steering. Set up the arena with barrels or poles like this: Teach steering. Practice steering by walking on the rail and making circles around the barrels closest to the rail, one on each side. Do this both directions. Progress to the Figure 8s gymkhana pattern: Enjoy! **************** … Continue reading
Bending and Straightening Activity
Here is an exercise that my instructor did with me, and that I think might be fun to do with some of your more advanced students! Bending and Straightening Arena setup: 2 poles, 1 in each corner at one end of the arena, as if cutting it off to form a triangle Skill: Bending & Straitening … Continue reading