Tagged with Lesson plans

Warm Ups

This guide to warm ups is a combination of lots of resources I have. More detailed descriptions for various exercises can be found in the resources listed at the end. What A warm up is an activity that prepares the student for their riding lesson by warming up both their upper and lower body and … Continue reading

Lesson Plan: Direct Rein Steering

This is an example lesson plan that my group came up with at my certification workshop. These were the made-up students (I forget their exact medical diagnosis): Bob – left side hemiplegia, can walk and steer independently, needs a leader spotting and 2 sidewalkers with ankle holds Lisa – fatigues easily, needs to learn to … Continue reading

Lesson Plan: Posting Trot

This is an example lesson plan they taught us at my certification workshop. They really emphasized everything having a reason, which hopefully shows in these notes, like why you mount which kid first. PLAN Objective: The rider will perform the posting trot down the long side of the arena 2x in each direction, with a … Continue reading

What to Teach – Horsemanship and Groundwork Skills

So far all my posts have emphasized riding skills, but there is more you can teach your students off-horse! Today’s post will give you 2 lists: Horsemanship Skills and Groundwork Skills. Remember that everything must have a purpose. Reasons you may want to teach off-horse skills include: Your student’s long term goal is to graduate from … Continue reading

“Outdoor Trail” Lesson Plan 2 & The Branch

Another example of an “Outdoor Trail” lesson plan, with a fun “branch”. Preparation Desensitize the horses to walking over a bridge over a blue tarp (“water”). Desensitize the horses to walking under a thin pole (“branch”) – it touching all parts of their body, sliding down their neck, bumping their rear, falling on the ground, … Continue reading