“Horse Parts” (or Tack Parts) is when you take some time during the lesson to review parts. Why teach horse and tack parts: practical benefits helps them understand your instructions (“hand over the withers,” “hold the pommel,” etc.) helps them communicate with you more effectively (“my foot!” vs. “my foot fell out of the stirrup”) … Continue reading
Tagged with Tack parts …
Holly’s Horses (Activities with Plastic Horses)
I think “Holly’s Horses” sounds so much nicer : ) My coworker Holly uses plastic horses in her lessons to incorporate horse knowledge while they are riding. She uses her daughter’s old Breyers, plastic toys, stables, and saddles for various activities. Here are some ideas for you! Activities with Plastic Horses Colors & Markings Have a few … Continue reading
Saddle Parts Game
Here’s something super easy I made quickly before today’s lesson: The Saddle Parts Game Prep: Print and cut out a picture of a saddle (cardstock works best) Print and cut out words of saddle parts Laminate them and cut them out Hot glue the words to clothespins (Or if you have wood clothespins just write … Continue reading