While looking up ideas for a post about ceremonies in your lesson program, I came across ideas for horse birthdays and realized that making birthday cakes and treats for horses is a great way to practice motor skills, following directions, hand-eye coordination, as well as just have fun! So here are some recipes I want … Continue reading
Tagged with Birthday …
Birthday Scavenger Hunt
Here is a cute birthday scavenger hunt my friend set up at our barn for a young rider who boards there. I wanted to share because it might spark some ideas for birthday activities with your riders! First, she arrived to the barn to this on her stall, and instead of her own horse in … Continue reading
Birthday Game
And now in a rare cameo appearance… Yesterday was my birthday, and the birthday of one of our clients who had her lesson that night! This called for celebration. What is it they say apparently say in Indiana – treat yo self? So I decided to treat myself and purchased the birthday cake ring toss game. Inflatable … Continue reading