I know it’s past Halloween, but it’s not past Thanksgiving yet so you still have time for pumpkin activities! Especially since right now everything pumpkin is on sale, as stores bring in the Christmas stuff. I was inspired to share some pumpkin activity ideas after my daughter’s gymnastics class, when they used little faux pumpkins … Continue reading
Tagged with Activities …
The Train Direction Change Activity
Here is a nice activity for working on change of directions that I found in a pile of old resources. Enjoy! The Train Direction Change Activity Lesson Objective: The activity involves change of directions, so possible riding skills to use in your riders’ lesson objectives include: Direct rein steering Bending aids Indirect rein steering Neck … Continue reading
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Lesson Plan
Today we have a fun lesson plan for therapeutic and adaptive horseback riding that incorporated the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom for back to school week, sent in by reader Monique Nellis, director at Heavenly Gaits Therapeutic Riding Center, Inc.! I’m so thankful to anyone who sends anything in to share, because it’s fun to … Continue reading
4 Ground/EAL Activities
I haven’t posted activities for Therapeutic Riding (TR) lessons in a while, and I’ve also received some inquiries about ground activities for Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) lately, so here are some new ideas! I found these in a huge stack of resources I photocopied from a friend a few years ago and am not sure … Continue reading
The Ultimate List of Equine Groundwork Lesson Activities
And we’re back! It’s a new year, there’s a new baby, and here’s a new post for you! I’ve recently been inspired to share with you a wonderful list of equine groundwork lesson activities based on a recent post in the Riding Instructors’ Forum Facebook Group. I see this question asked a lot on Facebook … Continue reading
A Few Links: EAAT blog, podcast, activities, State of the Blog, and CTRI Transition
Hello friends, I hope you’ve been having a good new year so far! I’ve set myself up with a new routine which is working really well and I have more time to write and blog, so I hope to be posting more soon! Until then, here are some things I’ve been wanting to share for … Continue reading
Christmas Garland Activity
Christmas Garland Activity For once I’m posting way ahead of time about holiday activities for adaptive and therapeutic horseback riding, so you have time to plan and prepare! This is a new activity idea, inspired by the above dehydrated garland my friend made for me and these cinnamon ornaments my other friend made. I have not actually … Continue reading
The Barn Map Game
Here is a creative unmounted activity from Carrie Capes of HorsePowerTR in Illinois. I know lots of you are looking for unmounted activities so I hope this is helpful! Barn Map Game Supplies: laminated barn map with horse names on stalls (she put her rider’s name and “Horse Power Barn Map Game” at the top) … Continue reading
Barn Tour: Haku Baldwin Center
I have another barn tour to share with you! Unfortunately I had to go all the way to Hawaii for this one, so I hope you appreciate all my hard work basking in the sun and drinking pina coladas. Actually, it poured half the time, but I managed to slip away to visit a therapeutic … Continue reading
Mother’s Day Activities for Therapeutic Horseback Riding
Not long ago a reader asked me about ideas for Mother’s Day activities for therapeutic horseback riding. So I looked up some ideas and came up with some things for you! But before we even talk about those, first we need to talk about… To Mother’s Day, or not to Mother’s Day My first thought … Continue reading