Recently I’ve met a few people interested in getting certified who aren’t ready to start the process yet, or aren’t 18 yet (which you must be to get PATH certified), but they want to start doing something to prepare. So I thought that would make a perfect blog post – what you can do to get a … Continue reading
Filed under Certification …
How to become a Certified Therapeutic Horseback Riding Instructor
(source) The following was written in February 2013 based on my experience with the certification process August 2011 to March 2012. I will try to keep this current, but as time goes on there may be some changes. My passion is helping people do things I had a hard time doing myself, so I hope … Continue reading
Watching A Therapeutic Riding Lesson
You can learn a lot watching someone else teach a lesson, especially if you know what to look for! The following is a list of questions to ask yourself after watching another instructor’s lesson, taken from PATH’s instructor book and my own thoughts. Starting out, I recommend answering these while the instructor is teaching the … Continue reading