For those of you looking for more EAL style activities, here are some ideas from a program at HorsePowerTR. They provide a blend of unmounted and mounted TR and EAL activities for a group of Naomi House residents who have complex histories including trauma, victimization from sex trafficking, childhood abuse and drug addiction. Thank you … Continue reading
Tagged with EAL …
4 Ground/EAL Activities
I haven’t posted activities for Therapeutic Riding (TR) lessons in a while, and I’ve also received some inquiries about ground activities for Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) lately, so here are some new ideas! I found these in a huge stack of resources I photocopied from a friend a few years ago and am not sure … Continue reading
A Few Links: EAAT blog, podcast, activities, State of the Blog, and CTRI Transition
Hello friends, I hope you’ve been having a good new year so far! I’ve set myself up with a new routine which is working really well and I have more time to write and blog, so I hope to be posting more soon! Until then, here are some things I’ve been wanting to share for … Continue reading