Tagged with Drill team

Drill Team 1.0

I finally have enough info to share ideas for drill teams! Drill team is a great activity for groups of two and up. It gives a practical application for riding skills, encourages group bonding, offers social interaction, requires timing and paying attention, and teaches teamwork. Drill team is a fun thing to do at shows … Continue reading

Two Person Drill Team Pattern

I recently made this drill team pattern for two of my riders. They performed it in the Fun Show and it looked great so I thought I’d share, since I couldn’t find any two person drill team patterns out in internet land. Feel free to use it! Things to teach for drill team: how to … Continue reading

“5 Themed Lesson Plans that Work” article

PATH Intl. has posted the handouts from the 2012 Conference at the 2012 PATH Conference Handouts website! One of them is the handout “5 Themed Lesson Plans that Work”. It present 5 Themed Units with 5 Lessons each, resulting in 25 Lesson Plans! The 5 themes are: Drill Team Western Dressage Challenge Course Cavaletti Gymkhana It also includes these … Continue reading