Tagged with disabilities

Dementia Adaptations for Therapeutic Riding

I’m attending the PATH Intl 2018 Virtual Conference this year and so far it’s quite good. They’re doing a nice job having topics that are applicable to a lot of the different roles in running a program. I really appreciate that they went out of their way to get presenters that are professionals/experts in their own field … Continue reading

Cortical Visual Impairment Adaptations

I recently had a reader write me for ideas about a rider with CVI – Cortical Visual Impairment. Although I have not had a rider with CVI before, I did write back with my initial reactions, which I wanted to share here in case anyone finds it useful, and open it up to additional suggestions … Continue reading

Preparing for New Riders

While I have posted about preparing a The Lesson Plan and doing the Intake Lesson (Version 1 & Version 2), I have not posted necessarily about preparing for a new rider. This has been on my mind lately because I have a new client! Within The Lesson Plan post, the first thing is what to do before the … Continue reading

Lesson Eval of a Rider with CP

I have a sweet rider who has CP that I wanted ideas for, so I asked my director to evaluate my lesson with them the other day. I want to share the results with you! Lesson Eval of a Rider with CP Lesson Plan Rider Diagonsis: CP, weak right side to the extend their back curves over to … Continue reading

Communication Techniques for Low/Nonverbal Riders

One of my favorite seminars from the PATH Intl. 2014 Conference was “Dynamic Collaboration: Maximizing Communication During Therapeutic Riding,” given by Karyn Lewis Searcy, M.A. CCC-slp and Director of Crimson Center for Speech & Language, and Kaitlyn Siewert of R.E.I.N.S. Therapeutic Horsemanship Program. Their information was exactly what I’ve been needed to help me with many … Continue reading

Fun Video Friday: The Aspergers “Sensory Funnel”

I thought this was very interesting, and pertains to what we do with horses! Enjoy! The Aspergers “Sensory Funnel” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MCIiPumEQg **************** Note: This is not professional advice, this is a blog. I am not liable for what you do with or how you use this information. The activities explained in this blog may not be fit … Continue reading