Tagged with Adaptations

Dear Reader: Ladder Reins

I got a good question from a reader that I thought I’d open up to everyone! Dear Reader “I am looking for a demo video on the proper use of ladder reins. Do you have a resource that might help? Thanks!” My response: I’ve only used ladder reins for one rider, because she prefers the … Continue reading

Adaptive Equipment

I just found this great list of adaptive equipment and how to use it, complete with pictures! Click Here for RDA’s list of Adaptive Saddlery Equipment or go to  http://www.ridingdevelopsabilitiespeninsula.com.au/adaptive_saddlery_equipment_riding_technicques.pdf A huge thank you to RDA (Riding Develops Abilities) for sharing this resource on their Downloadable Content page! **************** Note: This is not professional advice, this is … Continue reading

Teach to the Highest Level

Today’s Teaching Tip comes from the Advanced Workshop I attended, regarding teaching to groups with very different functioning levels of riders: Teach to the Highest Level, Then Adapt.  (As opposed to teaching to the lowest level of rider ability in  group.) The reasoning behind this is that by teaching to the highest level, the lower … Continue reading

Dear Reader: Prosthetic Limbs

One of my friends has a question for you all… Dear Reader, Does anyone have any experience teaching individuals with a prosthesis, specifically, a lower leg prosthesis? I am wondering if there is a way to keep the prosthesis from twisting when the individual rides. It is attached via a suspension system, and it is from the … Continue reading

Weak Sides and Adaptations

I was helping with a therapeutic driving workshop today and something they said a few things that apply to teaching therapeutic riding that are logical yet easy to forget. Weak Sides When you have a student with a weaker side: 1. Have the sidewalker (or able-bodied whip, in driving) on their weak side so they … Continue reading