Dear Reader: Instructors with physical limitations

Dear reader,

Recently one of our barn’s instructors had a shoulder replacement and will never be able to lift more than 20 pounds again. We would like for her to continue teaching lessons, but are concerned about her ability to safely mount, dismount, and emergency dismount riders. We know that PATH Intl. allows and encourages instructors with limitations to teach with the appropriate adaptations. Do any of your instructors has limitations on how much weight they can carry? What adaptations have you made for them to ensure the safety of the rider?

Please leave your responses in the “Leave a Reply” area below!

p.s. If you ever have any questions for other instructors, contact me and I’ll post them!


Note: This is not professional advice, this is a blog. I am not liable for what you do with or how you use this information. The activities explained in this blog may not be fit for every rider, riding instructor, or riding center depending on their current condition and resources. Use your best personal judgement!

One thought on “Dear Reader: Instructors with physical limitations

  1. Several years ago, we had an instructor that was in an accident and became paraplegic. She had an able-bodied, highly trained volunteer that was with her to mount, dismount, physically prompt her riders and was capable of emergency dismounts. The instructor was, of course, in charge of the class and the volunteer followed her instructions. All PATH standards were followed with the use of volunteer mounting and dismounting riders.

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