99 Ways to Say “Good Job”

Something the PATH certification process stressed was to give specific praises. Don’t say “Good Job,” say “Good job using your legs,” etc. Because the student needs to know exactly what they’re doing right. And because when someone just tells you “Good Job” over and over, you start to dismiss it. It’s also nice to switch things up. So instead of using “Good job ________” all the time, here’s some other ideas!

99 Ways to Say “Good Job”

What are your favorite ways to praise students?


Note: This is not professional advice, this is a blog. I am not liable for what you do with or how you use this information. The activities explained in this blog may not be fit for every rider, riding instructor, or riding center depending on their current condition and resources. Use your best personal judgement!

One thought on “99 Ways to Say “Good Job”

  1. Excellent!!!! Thank you…. I often get “stuck” for the right word of encouragement! ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope all good at your end. Keeping busy here and finally, the weather is being really lovely. Spring in Tassie is wonderful. Happy Riding, from Nan ๐Ÿ™‚

    Nan Catmur ecatmur7@bigpond.com Nan’s Riding School

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